Here I'll just post meta-questions. By meta-questions I mean such questions has: "Why is it necessary to build on an axiomatic basis the real numbers?", "Why are we also presenting physics in an axiomatic way?", "What is Quantum-Mechanics and what is my interpretation of it?". And of course a whole lot of other things similar to these ones.
These sort of questions and other issues that I feel that don't go along with the purpose of Climbing the Mountain will end up in here. I may review some book, I may discuss some particular point (or points) of some book I've read, I may post here some wacky reasoning/calculation/neat trick/thought that for some reason or another I find to be interesting. I'll post some interesting questions (to me at least) pertaining some field of knowledge that has some sort of relation with Physics and/or Mathematics. Please expect a true pot pourri of ideas and themes whose only identifying theme will be the fact that they come from the same guy.
Thanks for reading and enjoy the ride.